Presto Theory Study

Increase Your Music Literacy!

Learning music theory means learning how to read music notation and how to understand the ideas that make music work. Music theory expands your capability to hear what is going on in the music you love. It enhances your ability to sing, play, and create music on a higher level.

Presto Theory Study gives you the tools to learn, practice, and test yourself on music theory and notation.

Whether you want to learn to read music, perform the classics, play in a rock band, create your own melodies, or understand what makes your favorite songs special, learning music theory is an essential step.

Practice to perfection with Presto.

More About Presto Theory Study

The core of Presto is an extensive set of exercises. Topics include:

  • Note names in various clefs
  • Sharps, flats, and key signatures
  • Time signatures and rhythms
  • Harmonic and melodic intervals
  • Major and minor scales
  • Tempos
  • Dynamics
  • Musical symbols
  • Articulations and ornaments

Begin your music theory practice immediately. Start with a quick tutorial on the concept you want to practice, then go to the exercises. Each exercise gives you an immediate score which can be cleared to start over. Over 200 quizzes cover all theory topics. You can also start with the concise Reading Music Course to set an overall structure for your theory study.

In addition, the Teacher Version includes a set of Music Theory Exams. Test yourself with the exam demo below!